do in heavy to the belligerents of the director and cast, I didn't believe it for a second. It's sad that a film like "The Vow" was based on an actual true story.and. Besides a film like "The Notebook", and "The Fault In Our Stars" only come along every so often. Those films are not love stories.there simply are films attempting to create one. was there anything here to create a likeable basis?.that didn't stumble into a crate of dumbfoundedness.and horrendous stupidity?. In Comparison we look at other films like "The Vow", "Safe Haven" and even "Endless Love". Of course, as history would have it, I assume the book is better. Webber do the justice (I believe) is deserved. Director Josh Boone gets the most out of his performers and writers Scott Neustadter and Michael H. In addition, this film is only going to be as good are your two leads, and that's usually where the problem lies, this is never the case in this film. Woodley was undoubtedly good.yes, but we can't say it's nothing without Ansel Elgort and his charismatic charm, memorable metaphors and wit he brings to the character of Augustus Waters. They round out the film and make it feel whole. Great supporting work also comes from long time favorite Willem Dafoe, as well as, Laura Dern, Nat Wolff and Sam Trammell. The mental stability and such all seemed to come natural to Woodly, whom made me feel so much within a two hour time frame. Hazel is such a fragile character, and you understand this within the opening credits. So much passion, so much raw material infused into her grief stricken performance, that. However, this time around the film belongs to Woodley and her mastery of Hazel Grace. Ansel Elgort is truly coming into his own as a delicate performer.
(Yes I've seen that movie too.shocking I know). The two are miraculous to watch on screen together, easily the best chemistry between any romance since, Rachel McAdams & Ryan Gosling in "The Notebook". I'm talking about Shailene Woodley, and her trustful leading man Ansel Elgort.

But, "true" audience members are going to remember them for playing, Hazel Grace Lancaster, and Augustus Waters. You may remember the pair as on screen siblings in the film adaptation of "Divergent" that came out earlier this year. We can't have this film, if not for our stunning and talented leads. Co-existing in each others lives, and finding the true meaning of each other. To the point that nothing can separate them. The two instantly hit it off, and form a bond that is unbreakable. With no friends and nothing look to forward to in life, The film also follows the unforgettable journey of love when she meets Augustus Waters, a likeable and pretentious eighteen year old that is persistent and charming. The movie chronicles the events of Hazel Grace Lancaster, a sixteen year old, dealing with the everyday struggle of living with her terminal (but treatable) cancer.

It's clear now after seeing the film, what a tremendous band of characters, and a touching story that Green has vastly created.and to him I say well done. However, In the days leading up to this screening, I had heard nothing but positive things about the book. I have not read the acclaimed novel from author John Green. A film that never exploits itself too much, and has relentless humor that perfectly balances the fatal backdrop. Now, before I start to sound like a weeping school girl, I give you the film "The Fault In Our Stars" which I must say. In the end, someone is left dead or crying. Setting up unrealistic approaches to how "love" is supposed to be.

I'm not a typical schultz when it comes to sappy romantic novels, or love stories of any genre. 24/7, we never know the boundaries of our limitations always taking things further and beyond anything we, as society, imagine.